
Spiritual Media One Sheet

"Step into Spiritual Living"

Magazine & Newspaper Articles

Angel Numbers * Astrology * Spiritual/Metaphysical


*Linda is the Professional Expert used in the Articles of International Publications on various Spiritual & Metaphysical subjects.
Read her popular article in "Reader's Digest"
"What do Angel Numbers Mean and Why Do You See them Everywhere?"
Click on this "Linda" Angel Photo to go to the Article!

Enjoy the Informative & Educational Articles below. Want More? Enter Your Email NOW!

"Spotlighted" in Bustle Magazine Article:

"Angel Number 1212 means to Pay Atttention to Your Inner Circle"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"The Powerful meaning behind the Angel Number 000 and its Symbolism in Love, Career & Finances,

and Health"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Angel Numbers 11 & 1111 Symbolism and what these Numbers are trying to tell You"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Angel Number 222 and it's Numerological Significance in Your Life for Love and Money"

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Featured in Elite Magazine Article:

"What does 222 Mean in Love? Experts explain the Angel Number"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"What does Angel Number 333 Mean? Here's what to Know"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Everything to Know about Angel Number 444"

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Featured in Elite Magazine Article:

"What does 444 Mean in Love? Experts explain the Angel Number"

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Featured in Psych News Daily Article:

"444 Meaning, 444 Angel Number, and complete 4:44 Guide"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"True Meaning Behind the Angel Number 666"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Here's why You keep Seeing the Number 7 Everywhere"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Why Do I keep Seeing 888? What this Angel Number means for You"

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Featured in Bustle Magazine Article:

"Here's what it means when You see Angel Number 888 all the Time"

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Featured in Daily OM Article:

"Angel Number 888 is all about Abundance in Love, Career, and Money"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Keep seeing Angel Number 999? Here's what to Do"

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Featured in Daily OM Article:

"Angel Number 999 Signifies Healing and Breakthroughs for Your Love Life & Career"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Angel Number 404 Special Meaning and Significance"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"What does Angel Number 123 Mean? Here's why You keep Seeing It"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Angel Number 1234 meaning for Life, Love, Career & Health"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"What Angel Number 1222 is trying to Tell You"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"The Surprising meaning behind Angel Number 143"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"Here's what Angel Number 212 really Means for Your Life"

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Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"What are Angel Numbers? A Guide to their Special Meanings"

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Learn to Connect and Communicate with

Your Angelic Helpers and Guides!

Linda Berry's monthly program may be exactly what you need to "Step into Spiritual Living."


"Spotlighted" in Bustle Magazine Article:

"4 Zodiac Signs who make the Best Listeners"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Color You should be Wearing based on Your Zodiac Sign"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Empathetic Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Luckiest Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Smartest Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"This Zodiac Signs the Best Shoulder to Cry on, Astrologers say"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Complex Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Least Emotional Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Least Thoughful Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Loudest Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Eccentric Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Unpredictable Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Happiest Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Zodiac Signs most likely to Fall in Love according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Close-Minded Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"These Zodiac Signs are the Biggest Showoffs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Festive Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Annoying Thing about each Zodiac Sign"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Most Festive Zodiac Signs according to Astrologers"

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Learn the basics with a professional trainer & reader during

personal one-on-one courses in the comfort of your home!

Linda Berry's personal training may be exactly what you need to "Step into Spiritual Living."

Featured in Woman's Day Magazine Article:

"How to Know if You're going through a Spiritual Awakening"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"6 Things Feng Shui Experts want You to Throw Out Right Now"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The Unluckiest Paint Colors according to Feng Shui Experts"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"Cleanse Your Home of Negative Energy without using Sage"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The 6 Luckiest Gemstones according to Experts"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"12 Crystals that bring Good Luck - find Luck from a Sparkling Sunstone or a Radiant Rose Quartz"

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Featured in BestLife Magazine Article:

"The 7 Luckiest Pieces of Jewelry You can Wear, Experts Say"

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